Thank You to Sponsors

This unforgettable trip would not have been possible without the generous support of the following organizations:

Indian & Northern Affairs Canada (Nunavut Regional Office)
Nunasi Corporation
Royal Canadian Legion Br.168
Qikiqtani Inuit Association
Arctic Bay HTA
Eskimo Point Lumber Supply
Hamlet of Kimmirut
Ikkayaqtauvik Buiness Services Ltd.
Ikpiaryuk Services Ltd.
Qikiqtaaluk Corporation
High Arctic Transportation Services
Ilagiikut Ltd.
Ikajuttit HTA
Angulaalik & Associates
Nunavut Investment Group
Ikaluktutiak Elks Lodge No. 593
Greybeard Consulting
Nunamut Corpoeration
Leonie’s Place

Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you from Carmen and I at ProNica! We had a great time with these young people and learned so much about Inuit culture and the history of Nunavut. It was a very moving and inspiring story that touched our hearts. The NS were excellent ambassadors for Nunavut and NS.

    Quyanainni! Gracias! Thank you again!

